Docker and SSH

It might be beneficial to connect to a Docker container through ssh. For example, you may want to connect directly to the Docker container, or use the container as a remote interpreter for PyCharm. If you’re not using PyCharm, I strongly recommend checking it out. The process of making the Docker container accessible through an external SSH client is as follows:

  1. Exposing the SSH port in the Docker container

  2. Creating a tunnel from your allocated port (found at Important notes) to the exposed container port

  3. Setting up SSH forwarding on your local machine

  4. Additionally, if you’re using PyCharm:

    1. Setting up deployment

    2. setting up a remote interpreter

In the end, we should end up with a port-forwarding scheme that looks something like this.

Port forwarding diagram

Exposing the SSH port in the Docker container

This is possible if you create your own Dockerfile. In your Dockerfile, add the following line:


It is also possible to add your local machine’s public key to the container’s authorized_key file, such that you can login without a password. This is done by doing the following:

  1. Create a directory ssh_keys in the same directory as your dockerfile.

  2. Put your public RSA key in a file authorized_key in the ssh_keys directory.

  3. Put this directory in a tar archive ssh_keys.tar.gz in the same directory as your dockerfile.

  4. Add the following lines to your Dockerfile

ADD ssh_keys.tar.gz /tmp/
RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh \
    && mv /tmp/ssh_keys/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys \
    && chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys \
    && rm -rf /tmp/ssh_keys ssh_keys.tar.gz
  1. Creating a tunnel from your allocated port to the SSH port (port 22) in your Docker container is explained in Working with Docker.

Setting up SSH Forwarding

  1. Open a terminal emulator

  2. Set up an SSH forwarding tunnel as follows ssh -L$PORT -N $YOUR_ZHAW_USERNAME@$


    The same one you set in Working with Docker. This forwards $PORT on the server to port 8888 on your local machine.


    Your short username.


    Either dgx or dgx2 depending on what you’re using.

  3. Now, the terminal window will just seem to freeze/not do anything. This is good and means it’s working. Leave the terminal window open for the duration of your coding session/for as long as you want the tunnel to run.

Setting up Deployment with PyCharm

To connect via the PyCharm IDE, you have to first add the DGX server as a deployment location, then set the container as your interpreter. We can achieve this by doing the following:

  1. Go to Tools > Deployment > Configuration.

  2. Click the plus icon in the top right corner.

  3. Under connection, set the following values:







User name

Your ZHAW user




Your ZHAW password

Root path

/cluster/home/[your username]

  1. Under mapping, set the following values:

Local path

Path to your local working directory

Deployment path

Path to where you want to store your stuff on the server, relative to the root path

  1. Set Tools > Deployment > Automatically Upload to True.

  2. Right click the root folder in the Project browser and do Deployment > Sync with Deployed

Now that we are deployed and our code base stays in sync, we can set up the remote interpreter to use the Docker container.

Setting up a Remote Interpreter in PyCharm

  1. Go to project settings/preferences.

  2. Go to Project > Project Interpreter > [gear icon] > Add.

  3. Select SSH Interpreter on the left.

  4. Create a new server configuration as follows:







If everything from the previous steps were set up correctly, then this should work without issue and you won’t need a password since you’re authenticating with a host in the authorized_hosts file. Now you should be able to connect and run stuff on the remote server as if they were local.