CAI/InIT DGX Infrastructure
The CAI, together with the InIT, maintains a modern infrastructure that is specifically designed for Deep Learning applications.
nVidia DGX-1: three nVidia servers equipped with nVidia Tesla V100 cards (overall performance 3 PFLOPS).
nVidia DGX-A100: newest DGX server equipped with nVidia Tesla A100 cards (supplying 5 PFLOPS).
This documentation only refers to the DGX servers which are exclusively reserved for CAI and InIT employees. Students or employees that require a virtual server instance please refer to
More information about the resources can be found at List of Resources.
Data security
All lab data is kept on a safe Ceph storage. But we don’t do and provide backups. If safe storage is needed, central IT and SoE DUT provide it. We help you to access those services.
InIT/CAI is VMware Academic partner. Members of the institute can get VMware license of some products for free.
VMware products are intended to use on local hardware. We are not running VMware hypervisors on server infrastructure.
For more information, please refer to
If you have any tips, tricks, examples, guides that could help others, feel free to contribute.
If you have any questions or if there are any problems with the server, please get in touch with